Friday, September 18, 2009

I love my schedule.

My three day weekend has just begun. I have no idea how I did it, but I did. My schedule only goes Monday through Thursday. But even with four day weeks, my classes keep me busy on those three day weekends.

This week in Journalism was okay, however I pressume that when we get into taking photos and videos, it will be very interesting. I am quite technology savvy, but when it comes to editing photos and videos, I have no clue what I am doing. I am really looking forward to learning PhotoShop. I have always wanted to learn to make cool pictures and don't have the software program available. I think that learning how to operate PhotoShop will ultimately benefit me since when I worked as an intern at the Milwaukee Mile, there was one person who knew how and she wasn't very confident with the program. They use PhotoShop for logos and photos created for pamphlets, guides, signs, and posters. Tons of people see the finished product that it needs to look good, so that the reflection on the Mile is a professional one. Hopefully, I am able to learn about taking/making photos so that I can go back with new knowledge.

I was excited to dive headfirst into the editing assignment for the week, but it was quite long and tedious. I hadn't realized how hard it was to condense and correct a long article without losing the author's voice. I have the edit under control, but I am unsure as to how much of the story could actually be cut. I would hate for an editor to cut something crucial in one of my stories, but I guess that's the editor's job... to make the story better.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to school

I can't believe it's September already. The summer flew by quickly. The new school year has started and classes have commenced. I'm starting my junior year at Marquette and am nervous and excited. Only two more years!